Briggs, Mary Ann

Briggs, Mary Ann headshot

Briggs, Mary Ann

Special Education Teacher

Email Briggs, Mary Ann
Phone: (814) 355-4833 ext. 8120

Welcome to My Website! 
Ms. Mary Ann Briggs, Emotional Support/Autistic Support

About Me

Hello! My name is Mary Ann Briggs. I am the emotional/autistic support teacher here at Bellefonte Area High School. I teach one course; Social Skills. The rest of my time is devoted to supporting students in their classes or in my classroom. I look forward to an amazing school year. Please feel free to reach out if you have an questions, cares, or concerns.


Social Skills Class 

Ms. Briggs/Mr. Headings, Room 120

WELCOME to Social Skills Class. The purpose of this course is to enhance social competence through explicit instruction of skills necessary to engage in successful communication, enhance self-awareness, and navigate the social world both in and out of the classroom atmosphere. Students' IEP goals will also be incorporated into the lessons. This course is designed to assist students in exploring themselves and their environment, as well as, giving them opportunities to develop and improve on appropriate social and emotional skills.  In this class, the focus will be on the 5 competencies of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).

★      Self Awareness - measure of how accurately we can recognize our feelings and thoughts and learn to understand how those influence our behavior.

★      Self Management - the processes we use to regulate and cope with our emotions as well as motivate ourselves and perform throughout our day

★      Social Awareness- places importance on how we promote kindness and equity and how we value and treat others, especially others who may be different from us.

★      Relationship Skills- focus on developing the interpersonal skills needed to establish and maintain positive relationships.

★      Responsible Decision Making- helps students demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

 Google Classroom Code is: bpydw4c

Classroom Expectations: 

●       Students are expected to treat staff and peers with respect.

●       Students are expected to come to class prepared and complete all assignments.

●       Students are expected to follow all school and classroom guidelines, policies, and procedures.

●       Cell phones are not permitted to be out in the classroom.

●       Remember our RAIDERS Rules:

Respect All Individuals, Demonstrate Excellence, Responsibility, and Safety!

❖         Plagiarism: Do your own work and always cite your sources; see the Student Handbook for the consequences of plagiarism (automatic 0 on the assignment, notification of parents and admin, and three days of ISS).

❖         Cell phones and other personal electronics such as headphones/earbuds are to be off and away while students are in the classroom. Devices that are visible to the teacher are subject to confiscation and referral to administration for disciplinary action per the student code of conduct. 

Parent/Guardians: If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out:

Contact Information:

Mary Ann Briggs

(814) 355-4833  Ext. 8120