Lacrosse - Boys

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Bellefonte Red Raider Boys Lacrosse

Attitude • Effort • Trust

Coach:  Rick Johnson
Assistant Coach:  Aaron Aumiller

Assistant Coach: Barry Smith

Team Liaison:  Barry and Julie Smith

Interested in playing?  Want additional information?  Email Boys Lacrosse.

Follow us on Facebook at Bellefonte Lacrosse or on Instagram @bellefontelax for upcoming events, like Open Field/Gym opportunities. 

Bellefonte Lacrosse is a PIAA school sport, playing against other high school lacrosse opponents also in the PIAA.

Lacrosse is considered to be America's first sport.  The sport of lacrosse is a combination of basketball, soccer and hockey.  Quickness and speed are two highly prized qualities in lacrosse.  Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing team sports in the United States.  It's a competitive sport, fast-paced and full of action.  Long sprints up and down the field with abrupt starts and stops, precision passes and dodges are routine in men's lacrosse.

Parents and players can be kept up to date on schedule changes, cancellations and other announcements by signing up for the Bellefonte Boys Lacrosse Remind alerts.  Get all the info on how to sign on to Remind app by emailing Boys Lacrosse.

Season Start, March 3, 2025

A physical exam is required by PIAA for an athlete to be eligible to participate.  Visit PlanetHS for information.   This MUST be completed and approved prior to participating in practices beginning March 3.  Dont delay---get this taken care of NOW!

The will to win is important,
but the will to prepare is vital.
Joe Paterno

Sports do not build character;
They Reveal it.
John Wooden

Join REMIND for updates on pre-season Open Field/Gym Times.

Email Boys Lacrosse to join REMIND