Lacrosse - Girls

Welcome to Bellefonte Lady Raider Lacrosse

If you wanna find a great squad, if you wanna have fun, get tough and play hard, you've come to the right place! We're the team who wants to outplay, outwork and outlast the competition. LOL (LAX Out Loud) These pages will give you some info about the team and the season....and get you geared up for teamwork, dedication and of course fun! Get your sticks ready, ladies, practice hard, play strong and LAX on!  

Bellefonte Lady Red Raider Lacrosse is a PIAA school sport, playing against high school lacrosse opponents also in the PIAA.

An important goal is to continue to grow participation and support for lacrosse at all levels to include Junior High. Bellefonte Area Middle School - Junior High Lady Red Raider Lacrosse is a school-affiliated, booster-funded, club sport.  

Hey high schoolers, email Girls Lacrosse if you are interested in playing or have questions.

You too, middle schoolers, email MS Girls Lacrosse if you're interested in playing or have questions.


Sign up for the lacrosse experience!

Season Start, March 6, 2023 - 

A physical exam is required by PIAA for an athlete to be eligible to participate. Visit PlanetHS for information. This MUST be completed and submitted by February 27th. Don't delay – get this taken care of NOW!


You can also see what is going on with Bellefonte Lacrosse on our Facebook page: Here