Welcome to my website!
Name: Mr. Michael Maney
Email: mmaney@basd.net
Phone: (814) 355-4833 Ext. 8122
Current Classes: American History Survey Course (The Constitution-Present), World Cultures
Previous Classes Taught: U.S. History I, U.S. History II, World Cultures, Athletes In Action: The Untold Stories (9th-12th Grade), Civil War & Reconstruction (9th-12th Grade); HSI: Historical Scene Investigation (9th-12th); PA/Local History (9th-12th Grade); AP Macroeconomics.
Name: Mr. Maney
Age: 42
Hometown: Clarence, PA
High School: Bald Eagle Area (Class of 1999)
Subjects Teaching (this school year): American History Survey Course (2023-2024), World Cultures (2023-2024)
Previous Courses Taught (Prior to 2023-2024 School Year):
U.S. History I (9th Grade); U.S. History II; World Cultures (9th-12th Grade) Local History (9th-12th grade); HSI - Historical Scene Investigation (9th-12th Grade); Athletes in Action Beyond the Glory (9th-12th Grade); Civil War & Reconstruction (9th-12th Grade); America At War: Part I & Part 2 (9th-12th Grade); AP Macroeconomics
Room: 122
Years Teaching: 16 & 1 Year Graduate Assistant
Activities: Head Varsity Wrestling Coach
Degree: Majors - Secondary Education: Social Sciences; Master's Degree - Curriculum & Instruction
College: Lock Haven University (2004) www.lockhaven.edu
Family: Eileen (wife) & Michael (son) & Harper (daughter) & Adeline (daughter)
Looking forward to a great 2023-2024 school year!!