Cernuska, Matt

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Cernuska, Matt

Social Studies Teacher

Email Cernuska, Matt
Phone: (814) 355-5466 ext. 5204

Grade: 7th
Subject: World History    

School Supplies: Please begin bringing the following items with you to class by the first Thursday of the school year, August 31st.

  • A History Notebook or Three Ring Binder

  • Basic Two-Pocket Folder

  • Headphones or Earbuds

  • Basic Pack of Colored Pencils

  • A Pen/Pencil


*If you cannot get these items, I will have a limited amount of extras that I can offer you at the beginning of the year.

2023-2024 Course Syllabus

Course Overview:

7th grade social studies will examine the physical and human geography of Europe, South America, and North America. This course is based on the Pennsylvania Academic Standards and will enable students to become more knowledgeable, responsible, and active citizens within their local and world communities.


World Geography: Western Hemisphere (Savvas Learning Company, 2019); You will have both online access and a hardcopy textbook. 

Skills Emphasis:

This course is designed to develop and enhance the following skills: chronological and analytical thinking; interpretation of primary source and historical documents; interpreting data from maps, graphs, and tables; interpreting multiple points of view; research skills; writing skills, reading skills; vocabulary skills; interpersonal and cooperative learning skills; communication skills; organizational skills; note taking, etc.

Course Requirements / Grading Policy:

All grades will be based on a point system.

  • Homework Assignments/Class Participation – 2 to 5 Points

  • Quizzes – 10 to 15 Points

  • Tests/Projects – 30 to 40 Points

The following grading scale will be followed:

  • 90-100% / A–Excellent                

  • 80-89% / B–Above Average

  • 70-79% / C–Average                 

  • 60-69% / D–Below Average

  • 59% and below-F                


Every Day Required Materials:      

  • Textbook - World Geography: Western Hemisphere

  • A History Notebook or Three Ring Binder with lined paper

  • Basic Two-Pocket Folder

  • Charged Chromebook (School Provided)

  • Headphones or Earbuds

  • Basic Pack of Colored Pencils

  • A Pen/Pencil

Basic Classroom Policies And Procedures:

  1. Be Responsible – Students are expected to take the initiative and make-up any work (assignments, quizzes, etc.) they have missed due to an absence.

  2. Be Respectful – Students are required to be courteous and respectful to others at all times.

  3. Class Participation – Students are to remain attentive and focused on each task while they are in class. Tardiness, sleeping, and class disruptions will not be tolerated. All disciplinary problems will be dealt with in accordance to the student handbook.

  4. Late Work – All assignments are to be turned in on the due date at the beginning of the class. If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due, he/she must turn in the assignment on the day he/she returns.