Welcome to Sixth Grade White Team Science

Name: Mr. Gregor



Grade/Subject: Sixth Grade Science   Room 410


Phone: 814-355-5466 ext:5410

Message to Parents:

Amazon Wish List: Mr. Gregor's Wish List Link

Course Description:

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have raised the bar in science education. The new standards aim to move the focus of instruction away from memorization and toward active engagement. In its optimal implementation, an NGSS curriculum should teach students to think like scientists and engineers, curriculum should teach students to think like scientists and engineers, grapple with core scientific principles, and support deep learning of concepts that cut across domains. The NGSS calls for deep linkages between the three dimensions of Crosscutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Science and Engineering Practices. To do this effectively, students need to gather evidence from a variety of sources, make sense of that evidence, and construct strong scientific arguments about real-world phenomena. Amplify Science is a K–8 science curriculum that blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.As a parent, encourage your child to discuss daily science activities and homework assignments. Science will become exciting and alive for every student willing to accept the experience of working with others as a team of scientists. I want students to leave class this year with a sense of how the world works and relates to the study of science, problem solving using the Scientific Method or Scientific Inquiry, and the Earth/Universe around them. We will be incorporating Claims, Evidence, Reasoning, throughout our investigations this year!

Assignments: All assignments will be completed in a timely manner for science class.

If a student misses school at any time they must complete assignments by using Google Classroom for full credit. Assignments can also be completed at home by viewing the White Team Homework page. Amplify Science, and Google Classroom accounts are a great help with completion of missing assignments. 

It really helps completing assignments as soon as possible for understanding of new class material and lessons. Assignments can be  available at the front office or Google Classroom with 24 hours notice. When going on a Educational field trip, be sure to let all teachers know. Some assignments can be completed prior to leaving, but some can be completed away from school with internet connection.

If possible email Mr. Gregor before homeroom when you return from an extended absence, this would really help! Mr. Gregor also does morning bus duty and its possible to see him before homeroom in the 6th grade hallway during the year.

Many questions can be addressed at this time. Email for any questions at any time.

Thanks for all your help at home and support during this year. 

Supplies for the start of the year 2024: Home internet connection, Earbuds/headphones for computer, and any small prizes for the class prize box would be great! Optional items for class activities: Pencils, Colored Pencils, and Markers.

Donate any one of these items for the classroom; paper plates, plastic spoons, plastic forks, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, paper towels, and send in food for any birthdays in a sealed package with individually sealed goodies! Yum Yum!