Grade/Subject: 8th Grade ELA
Email: Rogers, Brenda
Phone: 355-5466 ext 5112
Rogers, Brenda
Rogers, Brenda
Work Completion:
All work is expected to be turned in on time. Turning work in on time will help to reduce student stress and is an excellent life habit. However, I will accept work up to 2 days late. After an assignment is 2 days late, I will no longer accept the work. (with the exception of extenuating circumstances such as the death of a family member or extreme illness)
Please check Powerschool for an accurate grade - do not use the information in Google Classroom for an accurate grade report.
- Notebook paper
- Two-pocket folders with holes
- Pencils
- Pens (blue or black)
- Binder (suggest 2 inches)
- Notebook dividers
- Your choice of crayons/colored pencils/markers