Ticket Prices
Current Event Admission Prices:
Varsity/JV Athletic Events Basketball, *Football, Gymnastics, Soccer @ Rogers Stadium, Volleyball, Wrestling Adults $4.00, Students $2.00
*Football reserved seating $5.00
Jr High Basketball, Football, Wrestling Adults $2, Students $1
Season Pass are available --- use the link below for applications.
2024-2025 Athletic Season Pass Application
Are you a senior citizen (age 60 or older) living within the District Tax Base? Stop down at the District Office on Allegheny Street and fill out an application for an Athletic "Gold Pass." Present pass to the event ticket taker and attend home events for free.
Note: If the school district hosts a District 6 playoff game/event --- Bellefonte Season Passes and Gold passes cannot be used. Everyone must pay the amount that the PIAA charges.