Website Manager Information

Bellefonte Area School District allows, and encourages, individuals and groups to assist with the maintenance and updating of websites. The usefulness of our website is dependent on the timing and accuracy of the information posted. It takes many people, and lots of time, to maintain and update the hundreds of sites. To become a Web Site Manager please speak with the group or individual that is responsible for the site. It may be a class adviser, team coach, alumni point-of -contact or activities adviser. If they are willing to turn over the reign of maintaining the site, then download the Website manager application to complete the process.

Once approved, you will be provided with a username and password to access the site management functionality. No special software is required to maintain a site other than a web browser and internet access.

How do I become a Bellefonte Area School District webpage author?

In an effort to provide and maintain up-to-date information for the multitude of webpages on the website, the school district will allow nondistrict employees to have direct access to the appropriate websites.